Young Man Trapped Between The Pole And Bus Got Killed

MP P -011 -37 9 bus was going to the local khandavadekhi mudisamma. The trip took place in the middle culvert clogged seated beside the driver saw Sachin father haralala (32) to the front wheels down and the bus so that the bus behind the defense to keep the stone nacipliyos.
Sachin partner had another bus. He had a good relationship with the bus driver anavarasamga. He rode the bus departed to his house mundisthita. So there was not a bus driver Anwar partner had asked him to come down and the stone.
Sachin pleas are accepted with stone wheels were at the same time a sudden brake failure, and very speed gudyo behind. Just behind Tendulkar gudepachi neck and polaka just crushed between the very bad way. He heard the cry of the people aboard the bus out too scared. Many people were shocked to see sense out of the situation.
According to an eyewitness moalimaka were stuck with Sachin is so bad that he could not know what to think about what to do. His hands, stomach and mouth were bleeding. He died before he had to save someone.
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