Those Who Save 29 Life

Not only kebiratha, Mahendranagar VDC thakurabarika Amrit Khadka, Chandra Shoemaker, Henry, rye and Baburam candravarsile are made to introduce in the village on Saturday brave young man.
River, boat accident on Saturday 2 and 9 were rescued together all these five youths gathered applause.
9 persons rescued by the death reached the 2 Chabilal kebirathalai villagers 'Nepal Brother' that have started to call.
"The cold alcohol abuse do .Those eating," Indra Rai said, "On Saturday he took bold action by the village honor."
Thakurabarika these young fish without water and without Village 'will be shown, saying five youth praise their bravery.
Thakurabarika these young Koshi floods Saturday sticks were brought out. While there, they saw the Koshi Koshi overturned boat coming Prakashpur 2 9 persons were rescued immediately.
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